Excerpt from BOOK 1
Fitness, Fun, Nutrition and Lifestyle in Pakistan
Ch 8 Pg 79…

‘Walking makes for a long life.’ (proverb)

‘The World Health Organisation defines a healthy body as one that is in a state of complete physical and mental wellbeing.‘

Fit Walk Fitness walking deserves a whole chapter on its own. It is low-impact and the safest workout that you can do. After all, man was made erect to walk on his own two feet. It is the most natural way to fitness. Your body is a machine, if you don’t use it, it rusts and runs low on energy. Nowadays with all the high-tech gym talk, people have gotten confused and forgotten that the very best of activities that man has been doing since our existence is walking. Our ancestors were hunters, gatherers, and nomads. They walked long distances, so genetically walking is the most basic and safest form of exercise. When walking is taken up as an exercise in mind, it becomes fitness walking. Doctors feel that walking is the best form of activity next to no activity because of our sedentary lifestyles. We must remember that exercise is still a chore for the majority, and when it entails having to actually reach a certain place to engage in it, then people often give up. So doctors suggest to simply start with a walking programmed, and once in the circle of activity you can progress onto something more mentally stimulating and physically satisfying.

Fitness walking is aerobic walking, and should not be mixed with power or stress walking. It is a low stress, low impact exercise which Chapter 8 FitWalk, Recitation & Meditation Walking, Namaz, Yoga, Massage and Sleep.
Walking is the simplest and purest form of activity. It is correctly called the gentle sport. When you walk to exert yourself physically with exercise in mind, it is a different sort of walk.

Has overall benefits for the body and mind. A minimum of 20-30 minutes of walking is recommended for everyone daily. As you walk, the large muscles in your legs and arms move in a steady rhythmic fashion, and your heart and lungs work faster to supply oxygen to these muscles. Walking is gentle on the hips, knees, and ankles, for people who are over or underweight. Underweight people should work on gaining muscle mass and body fat.
The benefits of fitness walking are:
• It’s the best form of low impact stress free exercise.
• It’s inexpensive.
• Its aerobic.
• It makes you slim, toned and fit.
• It’s the best hip and thigh conditioner.
• It’s the best stress beater, relaxer,
energy producer.
• It’s positive addiction.
• It beats depression, back pain, heart disease,elevates bone strength, helps with PMS, hypertension, cholesterol, respiratory problems, cardiac rehab, arthritis, varicose veins, and smoking.
Perfect Your Posture Straighten up and your figure looks better right away, advises ‘The Biggest Loser’ trainer Kim Lyons. “When your posture is good, you are automatically engaging and toning your stomach muscles,” she says. If you need to remind yourself to stand tall, a few strategically-placed sticky notes should be a good way.

Nourishment during your fitness walk
No salt, no bad carbs, cold green tea, or drink water.
After your Walk: Choice of cold pressed juices
Being fit and healthy are mutual. Healthy means to be able the take life as it comes, to cope with challenges in the best possible way. Fitness allows for you to perform work more efficiently and with less effort. For optimum health, fitness walking has to be accompanied with a well-balanced nutritious diet, adequate sleep, and relaxation.

Excerpt from BOOK 2
A Guide to Health Narrative of Prevalent Diseases

“Treat the cause”

“Concept of Nature Therapy (CNT) [9] clearly defines NT as “a set of practices aimed at achieving ‘preventive medical effects’ through exposure to natural stimuli that render a state of physiological relaxation and boost the weakened immune functions to prevent diseases” [9]. The conceptual model of NT starts with a “stressed state” at the top and then points to the “restorative effects” of nature (forests, flowers, etc.) where there is a hypothesis of improvement in “physiological relaxation” and “immune function recovery” responses (individual differences noted). These responses to nature are then incorporated in the Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) model and is illustrated by an arrow leading to the “preventive medical effect.”(1)

Objective: To evaluate the importance of good lifestyle habits to prevent disease, and illness and promote health and well-being.
In addition to conventional medicine to prevent, treat, cure and reverse disease, it is advised to practice a combination of lifestyle management techniques under the term complementary alternative medicine (CAM). It includes medication along with lifestyle modifications advised to be practiced from a young age to remain fit and stay safe from illness. Moderation is of prime importance as an excess of anything creates an imbalance. Our first step towards health should be a check on our lifestyles. The second step is to visit the doctor and follow the medication prescription if advised Lifestyle medicine predominantly uses the following combinations to prevent, treat and reverse non-communicable diseases (those that are non-transferable like strokes, most cancers, diabetes, cataracts, and osteoporosis) by fixing the root causes of disease. There are 8 vital pillars of lifestyle changes that you can practice for better health to prevent illnesses:
1. Eat whole food, organic foods, plant predominant as an eating pattern
2. Adequate restorative sleep…